Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

a podcast to accept, embrace and fall in love with who you truly are...

Welcome to Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

a podcast to accept, embrace and fall in love with who you truly are…

Raw Conversations is an off the cuff podcast, a stream of consciousness, a raw and vulnerable chat about being human, especially as we move through these evolutionary times.
It’s a safe place to put down any masks you might wear, drop the shame of being human and know, instead, that you are not alone and that it’s ok to be you, just as you are right now in this moment.
We dive below who we think we should be and into who we truly are as our Authentic Self, embracing both our humanity and our divinity; coming into wholeness. It’s a gentle space to be in both our messy humanness and our playful free-spiritedness!


what listeners are saying...

“Listening to Raw Conversations has been a transformative experience. Each episode resonates deeply, helping me uncover layers of my true self.” – Jamie L.

“Corinne’s podcast has been a guiding light on my journey to authenticity. Her insights are both profound and practical, making self-discovery accessible.” – Alex R.
“The honesty and vulnerability shared in Raw Conversations have inspired me to live more authentically. It’s a must-listen for anyone seeking genuine connection.” – Taylor M.
Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach & Spiritual Mentor, Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum Podcast www.corinneblum.com

A bit about why I created this podcast

hey there, i'm your host, Corinne Blum...

I began this podcast very spontaneously, recording off my phone with just my apple earphones. It always began as (and continues to be) a stream of consciousness. An in-the-moment, spontaneous, channeled conversation between myself and whomever chooses to listen in.
The thought had originally come to me before podcasts were even a thing. It was 2013 and I thought, ‘I want to do an online radio show.’ It was funnily enough even in my astrological chart at the time to do some kind of a talk show. But I was running my coaching practice and a yoga wellness centre in the heart of London, and I was pregnant. Suffice it to stay, I didn’t have the time.
It would take nearly ten years before I’d answer the call again and in the meantime podcasts became a proper ‘thing’ and though I felt I could’ve started ahead of the curve, thankfully the ship hadn’t sailed, so I caught the wave and dived into the podcasting world. However, I didn’t know who to interview and honestly, I just didn’t want to wait. So I grabbed my phone and started recording just me, myself and I. Hoping that maybe someone would listen and gain something from my sharings.

 Skip ahead several years and I now at least have a proper microphone! I continue to just jump on every week (it’s probably been one of the things I’ve been most dedicated to, recording even when sick) as it really brings me joy and I always feel/receive that nudge from above that cues me to speak and share.
I never really knew who was listening but over the years I have been moved and touched by listeners who have messaged me saying how much my podcast has resonated, positively affected, and supported them in diving deeper into themselves, helping them to feel better about who they are. I’ve even heard from former clients who feel they’ve still been working with me over the years because they tune in every week. I’m so grateful for these dedicated listeners but more so, I’m humbled that these spontaneous, real, raw conversations are having a profound influence on people.
My intention has always been to create a safe space to just be real. To share my own stories and make being human and our humanity something to embrace vs being so ashamed of. I want to normalise our emotions, the ebbs and flows of life, how to cultivate an unwavering trust in ourselves and truly embrace and embody who we authentically are. I want to hopefully inspire but equally encourage those listening that you get to just be you and that’s good enough. That actually, the world needs you to be beautifully you. And that through our full acceptance of both our humanity and divinity, we will change this world, together.

So, welcome. Thank you for joining me in this conversation, even…if from afar.

Loving you from afar,


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Corinne Blum Intuitive Channeled Coaching

want to work with me?

If you’re interested in working with me, please feel free to email me to book in your Discovery Session and let me know if you are interested in The Authentic Self Journey, Spiritual Awakening Mentoring, Cultivating Emotional Intelligence, or Intuitive Channeled Coaching.

I look forward to connecting with you soon.