where i share bits of my mind, heart & soulFrom Hope To Trust To Faith To Knowing: The Path Back Home To Our Power
I’ve observed this trajectory from hope to trust to faith to knowing, over the past nearly five years as we move through these evolutionary, chaotic and enlightening times. I’ve observed it and felt it within myself, too. In this episode I talk about the energetic...
The Courage To Let Go: Why Letting Go Scares Us & Why It’s So Vital That We Do Let Go
In times of great change, a lot of letting go takes place. It’s a kind of death before the rebirth. The winter before the spring. And though letting go in essence is simple, it’s not always easy. Letting go takes great courage. It takes the willingness to be able to...
How To Change Our Behaviour: The Step By Step Process To Making New Choices & Evolving Ourselves
It can feel hard to change our behaviour because a lot of the time it’s unconscious and we may feel at the mercy of our reactions. But behaviour is just habit. The hard part of kicking a habit though is how that part of us is identified with itself. It doesn’t want to...