Guiding You Home

to your authentic self Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

walking you back home…

The 4 Steps Back Home To Your Authentic Self:


Accept, Allow, Embrace, Love

In order to walk back home to ourselves, to remember our intrinsic gifts, abilities and the overall magic of life and existence, we have to walk through certain passageways. We have to Accept first where we are. We have to Allow it to just be without judgment. We have to Embrace it all—“the good, the bad and the ugly”— and learn to Love our entire humanity. Then we find ourselves back in the lap of Love; loving all parts of us, knowing that no part is “bad” or “wrong” or anything to be ashamed of. We live from this place where Love gets to be the container for everything. For your entire human (and metaphysical) experience.

These four principles become the foundation for our journey back home. No matter what arises within our experience, be it a thought, a feeling, a trigger or a reaction, can we Accept, Allow, Embrace and Love it?

These are the guides that become the alchemists of our experience, bringing us from disharmony with ourselves into full coherence with our entire being.

The Journey

our evolution in consciousness


Letting Go Of Judgment

Our capacity to accept ourselves comes down to how well we can let go of judgment. Judgment is the root of suffering (or unnecessary suffering, as I call it) and is the opposite of love; contrary to many people’s belief that hate is the antonym to love. 
Judgment is what keeps the door to our home shut and locks us out. It’s what places barriers and brambles along the path back to our front door. It’s what keeps us outside of our worth and value. It’s the maker of illusions. The writer of all of our stories and narratives that keep us small, unworthy, unlovable and not good enough. It’s partner is Fear. But neither are the enemy. Both require what anything or anyone needs: Love. Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self


When we accept that there is no good/bad, right/wrong, success/failure, that we cannot f*** up life because no one is going to grade us for it and there’s no exam to pass, nor punishment or even praise, we get to relax and see that all that life is, is an experience.
It’s an experience through which we get to learn, grow, expand and evolve. This to the soul, to consciousness (Source) itself, is interesting. From this perspective life becomes a playground, a kind of learning room in which we get to explore ourselves and existence itself.
If there’s no punishment, than all struggles are just points of reflection. Learning points to let go of old conditioning and expand into vaster ways of being that liberate us from the human programmes we’ve been indoctrinated into for many, many generations.


You Are Not Alone, You Are Supported And Always Will Be

Some of us feel alone. We feel alone in this journey of life. We feel alone and unsupported when the path gets bumpy and life feels rough. We feel alone in our feelings, in our vulnerability and in the unknown.
When we come home to ourselves, we quickly see that we’re not just coming home to ourselves—our True, Authentic Self—we’re coming home to Source, itself. In that embodiment, we intrinsically know that we are never alone and we are always supported by unseen forces that carry us through all the trials and tribulations, the joys and celebrations of life, from birth until “death,” which is simply a portal and an awakening out of this (very real) dream.


You Are The Vehicle: The Partnership Between Your Soul & Your Human Self

The best analogy I’ve heard on the relationship between our soul Self and our human Self, was spoken by a man called RJ Spina who said, “When you get in your car you don’t believe yourself to be the car.”
What he was referring to was our relationship between our soul and our human self. This human body is the car, our soul is the driver. But our soul knows that it is not the body just like we know that we are not the car.
When we recognise that we are not driving this experience, we get to let go of our need to control. We get to let go of fear which wants to control all things, all outcomes, all trajectories. We get to be the vessel, the vehicle and the conduit for our soul to have this experience of density. This is a huge paradigm shift and change of perspective. You don’t need to control, you simply need to engage and be receptive.
You are in partnership with your soul. You are not the lone rider in the middle of the desert. You are not the only one holding onto the reigns. You are being carried and the more you come home to yourself, the more you will feel the wings that are carrying you through life. Not just of all the unseen support you have around you, but of your very own true nature. The homecoming, is your remembering of this.


This Isn’t a Time Of Awakening, It’s A Time Of Remembering

They say humanity is awakening from a deep and long sleep. Yes, this is true. But I like to specify it not so much as an awakening but more of a remembering, because when you wake from a dream, you remember you who are and have always been.
We already know, we have just been made to forget. There will continue to be distraction into forgetfulness and amnesia, which is why it takes great discipline to not fall for the bait and keep true to your north star, instead.
The distinction between awakening and remembering is an important one, because you are not learning anything new, you are remembering what you already know and that is very empowering. It’s empowering because it shows you that it’s all already within you. All you need to do is connect in. The remembering will naturally be there within you. Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

my role…

I am merely the guide. The one that holds the torch for you to traverse through the dark tunnels, through the maze of the labyrinth, back to the centre and core of who you truly are: your Authentic Self.
I’m here to hold your hand and reflect back to you your own strength. I’m here to give you courage and reflect back to you your own bravery. I’m here to shine the light on the infinite source of light that you already are. I’m here to remind you that when you love all things, you become the Alchemist that can transform duality into it’s highest expression.
We get to learn from the duality. To move from suffering to joy. Ugliness to beauty. From greed to generosity. Lack to gratitude. Scarcity to abundance. And from loneliness to wholeness.
It’s time to stop fighting against ourselves. It’s time to come home. I am the guide. The servant that shows you where you left the breadcrumbs so you can find your way back to your own inner home.
There is nothing to fear for all fear is afraid of is fear itself and like anything, all it requires is your loving attention. This is the path back home: Love. Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

working together…

This is a collaborative journey that we’ll go on together. It will require commitment and dedication; to yourself, first and foremost.
This journey is for those that are completely willing to let go of the hold of their old, false identity. That can trust and surrender into the willingness of dissolving (gently and safely) all false beliefs, stories, patterns and identities that are keeping them from their inner home and inner peace. Those that can go the distance and show up like the true loving warriors that we are, that are here to evolve. That are here to return to Truth. That are here to carve a better, more beautiful world, by being their true, sovereign, Authentic Selves.

There’s nothing you need to prove. You are good enough as you are.
There’s nothing you need to achieve. You are worthy enough as you are.
You get to just experience life as it moves through you but you may have an intuition, a motivation that drives you through life. Now more than ever, I believe that motivation, is one to be of service to humanity. To the whole, not as one hive mind but as many unique droplets of a greater ocean.

If we work together, it is a commitment you’ll be making to walk through the shadows, to lovingly embrace your tender, sore spots, the wounds that triggered your stories and false self, out into a new, alive, beautiful relationship with yourself.
The greatest love story you will ever have is the one with yourself. This is about cultivating the most beautiful and profound relationship with yourself so that you trust, believe in, support and love yourself, fully. Knowing that no matter what you move through in life, you have your back, you are there by your side, hand in hand, heart to heart.

If you are interested to take the journey, if you are ready to commit and show up for yourself, if you are ready for the homecoming and to return to your True, Authentic Self, please feel free to be in touch so we can have a discovery session to see if we are the right fit for each other. This isn’t a one off. This is a journey, an adventure, a grand exploration and discovery of yourself. That deserves time. That deserves commitment and just as you are committing to yourself and to me, I am committing to you as your guide along the way.

working together

How The Work, Works

Email Me

Let me know what you’re wanting to work on, where you’re at along your journey and in what ways you’re committed to your growth. We’ll organise your first 1-hour Discovery Session to see if we’re the right fit and lay the groundwork for your 3-month journey.

Discovery Session

A Discovery Session is a 1-hour session with me for us to see where you are on your personal journey, what are the barriers and obstacles (the patterns and beliefs) that are currently keeping you from embodying your full Self, and where you personally are wanting to arrive to within yourself—knowing that there is nowhere to ‘get to’ but only landing back within. Remember, this is a remembering.
This is an official coaching or mentoring session, so even if you wish not to continue with me, you will hopefully receive even a seed from which you can grow upon.

3 Month Journey

If we choose to work together, we will begin with a 3-month programme of weekly sessions to build momentum. Like any new skill, sport or art, it takes consistency and dedication to build new muscles. When we’re dealing with an identity, this consistency matters even more because you are essentially unlearning almost a lifetime of patterns, beliefs and false views of yourself. Once these have been unraveled and we’ve found the root cause and core of your false identity, we get to build back out into the unfolding of your True Self. It’s a ‘going in, in order to come back out again,’ kind of process.

Continuing On...

After the 3 months, you can decide to do another 3 months or move to monthly check-ins. Think of it as a monthly tune up for your car or musical instrument. There is no time limit but nor do I believe you have to be here for years at a time. This isn’t analysis, it’s a journey of discovery and though there might be a lot to sift through in the shadows of your being depending on how much you’ve stuffed down and kept hidden, the de-cluttering, per se, doesn’t need to take ages. We actually want to quickly get to the root so that the time is focused more on how to create new, healthy habits coming from your true identity. One that is healthy, whole and imbued with love.
