Spiritual Awakening

spiritual mentoring

spiritual awakening

1:1 Mentoring for the Spiritual Awakening Process

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are an infinite, eternal soul that has chosen to come here into this earthly realm to have a human experience because to the soul, this is a very exciting and enlightening place to grow. The soul incarnates into human form and experiences this school of life. Which as many of you probably already know, if you’re here reading this, being human certainly comes with some growing pains but it also offers ample opportunity for growth, evolution and self-discovery.

We may come to learn particular lessons (much like topics we wish to learn at school). We might come to work through “karma,” which is also an opportunity for self-revelation and growth. We might come to volunteer and bring more light to the planet and humanity. There are many reasons we choose to come.

The realisation that we are not just a human being but a spiritual being, is like recognising that we are the driver and not the car. As a human, we get in our cars and drive them, but at no point do we believe ourselves to be the car. It is simply a vehicle. The human body to the soul is the car to us as humans. It is a vehicle through which the soul may reside in physical form, as it guides and steers us in certain directions. Now, I do believe we are in partnership together. There is free-will involved but what I’ve certainly learned, is if my human becomes too stubborn or tries to control my experience out of fear, I’m essentially making life much harder because it means I’ve fallen out of flow not just with my soul, but with life and existence itself. We work better in harmony, one learning from the other, collaborating along the way.

a spiritual journey

The Arc Of Being Human

We come into this life connected to the Divine. Look to a baby and you’ll see pure love, innocence, joy and well…God, Consciousness, Divine, Source, or whatever you prefer to call it. They are directly connected and in the remembrance of who they truly are, and that this realm is a visitation, not home. (But of course, home is always within you no matter where you go).

The human arc however, is that we come remembering, only to forget through our human experience. Our wounding brings us into our human density. It makes us forget our divinity. We build beliefs, behaviours and patterns, and we attach ourselves to an identity based on these, that often pull us away from our true nature. But the beauty of this is, that when we find the curiosity to go in and dig through the layers, we unearth our true Selves once more and in that remembering we have an exquisite aha moment when we return to the truth of who we are and All Things.

We move through an arc of forgetting to re-remember but this time with a greater evolution under our spiritual belts. The soul has grown. It has expanded. It has learned something new about itself. To the soul this is a delight. To the human, sometimes it can be a royal pain in the ass because our humanity feels suffering, it feels pain and disconnection. For the soul, that disconnect can induce suffering as well as it is unfamiliar to its natural habitat of connection and oneness. Sometimes we learn by being that which we are not. But again, it has come here to learn, play and expand. A unique angle of consciousness seeing itself through the unique lens of your eyes.

So life can feel both like a miracle and a battle at times. We, as humans, must move through our shadow and our wounding to discover our gifts and our true potential—which all that really means is, your true, Authentic Self. There’s nothing you actually have to become for you are already it. It’s a remembering. It’s a coming back home.

For those just discovering this, it can be a doozy, both exciting and perhaps overwhelming. So let me share with you the process of how I can guide and support you in your new discovery of your greater, higher, true Self.

https://www.corinneblum.com Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach Spiritual Mentor, spiritual mentoring, spiritual awakening

what is a spiritual awakening?

Many have experienced a kind of “spiritual” awakening these past years. I’m reticent to use the word as it’s been somewhat hijacked, but what I mean by “spiritual,” is an awakening to that which is beyond this body and this life, alone. It’s an awakening to that which we are a part of. You might call it God, Source, Spirit, Creator, Universe, Consciousness. Whatever name you call it by, it represents the essence of all existence which we, and all living beings, are a part of.

Spiritual awakenings can be exciting, but they can also be traumatic. Why? Because the reality you once knew, gets shattered. The identity you had within that reality, crumbles. It can feel both liberating and terrifying, or at the very least, discombobulating. You are needing to reorient yourself and find a new centre of gravity as you adapt to a new paradigm of existence.
I work with those that are moving through this passage, transition and metamorphosis. I act as a guide as you navigate perhaps an entirely new reality. This might mean that you come up against your own limiting beliefs. It might mean that you all of a sudden feel displaced with your old group of friends or even your family. Sometimes the process can feel lonely and confusing as your very identity crumbles and reshapes itself. I am here to let you know that you don’t need to do it alone.

Inspiring Evolution

The beauty and gift of a spiritual awakening is first and foremost a remembering of who you truly are and what this is all about. It gives a depth and meaning to life and why we’re here and also inspires our evolution. We see that life isn’t just a one time pit-stop. We see that it isn’t linear or black and white. We see that it’s a cycle, a constant expansion and evolution not only of our soul, but of God, Consciousness, Source, itself. When we “awaken” and remember, our view can change from this experience to sometimes feeling like a punishing one, to an experience through which we get to learn, grow and evolve through. Our perspective on life changes from life is happening for us vs life is happening to us. We move from victimisation and powerlessness, to sovereign, self-responsible co-creators of life.

working with me

What Spiritual 1:1 Mentoring Looks Like

This journey will be unique to each individual. We must trust where we are along our own path, the divine timing of all things and that our soul knows exactly how to guide us inwards and upwards.

It will be a personal path for each one of you and I’m here to guide you along the varying terrains you might pass along the way.
Our sessions will involve conversation, contemplation, intuitive guidance, visualisations and guided meditation, and we’ll see whatever else spontaneously arises!

It’s an intuitive process and one that deserves not being restricted by a particular module or rigid process because being human is not a ‘one size fits all’ experience. We share many of the same feelings but we are seeing and experiencing this life through the unique lens of our individual soul. So your journey deserves respect and reverence and therefore any kind of comparison is to be left at the door for it is totally irrelevant and only causes us suffering.

This journey is for you. These sessions are time, space and focused attention for you. What a gift. What a treat to get to know yourself more. What a relief it is and will be, when you return home to yourself. It is true liberation, for you’ll find that nothing can harm or hurt you, nothing can truly scare you anymore, because you are free, you are sovereign, you are authentically and infinitely you and that is an extraordinary gift!

the logistics

Investing In Yourself

If you are at the beginning of your journey, like my Authentic Self journey I offer, I begin with a Discovery Session to see where you are and if we are the right fit to work together. This Discovery Session is 1 hour and the investment is £115.

If we resonate with each other, if you are at the beginning of your journey, we will move into a 3-month journey of weekly sessions. This investment is £1200 for 12 sessions over 3 months (or 3 installments of £420). If you are already along the path and need only a monthly mentoring check-in, the investment is £200 for 1 one-hour session with 4 weekly email or voice note check-ins (once per week) for any questions or reflections that come up for you that week. If you want to continue the journey, it’s possible to sign up for another 3-month journey.

