The Authentic Self

Authenticity & Intuitive Coach, Spiritual-Awakening Mentor, Soul Reader & Emotional Intelligence Specialist, to guide you back home to who you truly are.

COntact me

welcome home…

to your true, Authentic Self.


Hey there, I’m Corinne and I want to personally welcome you home to your true, Authentic Self! It’s a pleasure to meet you here. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

You could call me an Intuitive & Authenticity Coach, a Spiritual Mentor, or even an Emotional Intelligence Specialist, but at the core of all these, I like to call myself a guide and a fellow human being who is walking this journey back home, alongside you.

My passion is to guide people back home to who they truly are underneath who they believe they should be to please others. To help them feel at home within themselves so that they can live from a place of peace, authenticity and the freedom that comes when we get to just be who we are without judgment.

My desire is to guide you back home to heart, support you in cultivating an unwavering trust and belief in yourself and your intuition, and encourage you to fully embody the innate gifts and wisdom you already have within you.

what is the Authentic Self?

your true Self


Your Authentic Self is who you truly are underneath who you think you should be for others. It is the essence and soul of who you are. It isn’t so much your personality, although we can align our personality with our essence so that we show up authentically in all that we do. It’s what’s underneath your personality: your beliefs, behaviours and quirks. I say it’s the canvas behind the painting. The strokes of paint, all the colour, texture and shape that reflect the experience you are having as a human being. The painting can change and evolve. You can add paint, you can erase and fill in again, but the canvas behind the painting always remains constant like the blue sky rests infinitely behind the changing weather.
Your Authentic Self is the canvas. It is who you truly are when you get to strip everything back and just be you. It’s a place of comfort. It’s a home and a place of peace that forever holds you in love. It’s you in your unique expression; innately worthy, lovable, expansive, free and sovereign.

"Your wholeness isn't something to seek for outside of yourself, but something to return home to within yourself, instead. You never lost your wholeness, you merely forgot it."

~ Corinne

you are already whole…

A Remembrance Of Who You’ve Always Been


You are already whole, worthy, good enough and lovable. You are intuitive and powerful and hold an innate knowing within you. You’ve only forgotten because you’ve been pulled away from your true essence. You’ve been removed from your own home and made to believe that finding yourself is something to be done outside of yourself.

You don’t need to improve yourself because you’re not good enough. You simply need to remember and be brought back to the heart of who you truly are and have always been.

The journey may require going through the shadow. Unraveling all the false stories, limiting beliefs and identities of who you thought you should be to please others. But once unraveled and back at the doorstep to your inner home, you get to fully embody the authentic expression of your true essence and Soul.

I am merely the guide. The one that will hold the torch and shine the light upon the path which reveals itself, step by step, as we journey inwards. I am here to support you, to believe in you, but most importantly, to remind you how to believe in yourself and trust yourself profoundly so that you feel at home and at peace within yourself, always.

Loving you from afar,


“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

C.G Jung


What I Offer The Authentic Self, Authenticity Coach, Life Coaching, happy authentic free empowered woman

The Authentic Self Authenticity Coaching

The Authentic Self Journey is a process of returning home to your true Self which lies beneath the person you think you should be. It’s an intimate path back to the essence of who you are, by way of moving through your shadow, your limiting beliefs and the patterns that keep you small, in and through to where you feel fully free, authentic and at peace with being you! The Authentic Self, Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach, spiritual awakening, lotus

Spiritual-Awakening Mentoring

The Spiritual-Awakening Journey is designed for those that have just experienced, or are in the growing stages of, a spiritual-awakening. This process is to support you in discovering who you authentically are at the very core and essence of your being. Integrating both human and soul, the earthly realm and the metaphysical world. The Authentic Self Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence, spiritual path, spiritual awakening, labyrinth

Emotional Intelligence Specialist

Learning the skill and art of emotional intelligence is like learning the unique language of your being. Our emotions are portals to understanding ourselves on deeper, more profound levels; offering us insight and guidance, intuition and even higher frequencies of living. This journey is like discovering the blueprint of your true essence and soul stamp. Authenticity Coach, Rumi quote

Intuitive Channeled Coaching & Remote View Soul Readings

Intuitive Channeled Coaching & Remote View Soul Readings are session based, vs a journey or programme like the other services I offer. It’s for those that might need guidance on an intuitive level to see what may be going on in there lives, within themselves, or even on a physical, body level, from an intuitive, energetic and soul perspective. It’s a channeled session where I connect into a Theta brainwave state and look into your energetic field.

Relationship Coaching with Corinne Blum Authentic Relationships for singles and couples. Manifesting your soulmate. Authenticity & Intuitive Coaching. Life Coach. Relationship Coach.

Relationship Coaching For Singles & Couples

Relationship Coaching is for both singles wanting to manifest a relationship, and couples that are either looking to cultivate a healthy foundation to a conscious relationship, revive a relationship that has lost its lustre, or consciously uncouple for those that have tried everything and have recognised that sometimes the most loving thing to do, is to let go. At the base of all these lies authenticity, integrity and a new paradigm of relationship.

Manifestation Coaching Authenticity Coach & Spiritual Mentor Corinne Blum, Manifesting, Manifestation, Techniques

Manifestation Coaching Quantum Manifestation

Manifestation Coaching is for those wanting to learn new techniques based on quantum physics vs Newtonian physics, to manifest and magnetise what they desire into their reality. It works with frequency, energy, intuition, understanding the language of our emotions, how to read signs and more.

what clients say...


“Working with Corinne has been a transformative experience. Her gentle guidance helped me uncover layers of my true self that I had long forgotten. I felt supported every step of the way, and her insights into emotional intelligence opened my eyes to the power of my own intuition. I now feel more connected to my Authentic Self than ever before, and I am so grateful for her presence and guidance on this journey.”


Emily, Art Director

“I have waves of gratitude and thanks for Corinne. She has guided me through such a transformation that I did not believe was a) possible, or b) achievable for me. I have embarked on a whole new sense of Self, with whom I love. It has been an emotional journey but one which I would never not have taken and would recommend everyone embarking on at the right moment in their lives.”


Helen, Somatic Coach

“Corinne is a truly gifted woman whose mentoring and coaching I would like to recommend to every person I meet! Through looking at my past as reflected in the feelings in my body, I can be with whatever shows up in the present, and that is such a tremendous comfort to realise.”



Selina, Actress

“Corinne is an excellent coach, she helped me to discover for myself the innate wisdom within me to make a very important life decision, I would highly recommend her”



Harry, Entrepreneur

“I had a session with Corinne a few months back for Authenticity Coaching. We talked about how I was unhappy in my job and how I wanted to travel and write but I couldn’t find a way of doing it.  Well after that session, I decided to leave my job and I booked an around-the-world trip and managed to get some writing work at the same time! So it looks like the things I’d always wanted to do are finally starting to happen. Thank you so much Corinne for your guidance!”



Liz, Journalist

“Corinne has the ability to meet the needs of her clients in a way which is so touching and sincere. You always leave her presence feeling uplifted and more knowledgeable.”



Laura, Receptionist

“Corinne works with her clients on a deep soulful level. After a session with Corinne, I feel confidently equipped to apply the tools required for a healthy, healing relationship. She is a walking example of a truly authentic woman who is wise beyond her years.”



Ladan, Yoga Teacher

“Corinne has been an amazing help in my search for a meaningful relationship. Her coaching process helped me clarify what I want in a woman/relationship, understand the ways that I hold myself back from meeting women, and move through my doubts, fears and limiting beliefs. As a result, I’ve been meeting more women and I am more optimistic that I will meet the One.”



Adrian, Business Coach

“Working with the subconscious using Theta Healing, Corinne and I have achieved some profound changes in a remarkably short time a with what seems like no effort!”



Claire, Producer

what clients say about the process...

“I am becoming more accepting of myself. Learning that it is ok to feel whatever I feel and that there are reasons for my reactions to certain situations. I am starting to like myself more, being kinder to myself and believing that I am worthy of happiness.”



Beth, Writer

“I am grateful to the work we have done together, as I am aware of the importance of loving the shadow and light within me. I have learnt to be aware of my communication skills and how to be true to myself.”



Anna, Business Owner

“I have learned to ‘be me’ and to love that person no matter what twists and turns unfold in my life. It has made me feel more connected, more instinctive and intuitive and if I really want an answer to something – or work out what to do in any situation – I trust what the ‘inner me’ tells me.”



Kristine, Artist

“I have a better sense of me. I am more balanced and aware. I am more open. I have a better sense of what I want and am more trusting.”



Polly, Manager

“I have gained a sense of spaciousness, a sense of being held.  Knowledge of the beauty of release, of feeling pain and sadness without feeling the need to hold it in. A sense of purpose.”



Matt, Consultant

“It is difficult to put into words what I have gained as it feels as if it will be with me, progressing and helping me forever more! It has allowed me to see that I have the power to help myself in any situation from my inside out. There are many things that we think define us, when in fact they are just feelings in our body that we have become used to after years of affirmation and habit repetition. It is a comfort to know that the feelings which arise in different situations I can now use to help address these negative habit patterns in my mind and body. Each time one shows up, I now know I need to try and be with it; and the fact that it has shown up, rather than being a hindrance, is a sign and an opportunity for me to recognise it and see what it wants to say!”



Elsa, Graphic Designer

My Mission & Purpose For Doing This Work

guiding you home to your authentic self

this is a homecoming…

This is a homecoming. A place to safely walk back to your heart, soul and the home that is the essence of your being.

In an ever-increasingly chaotic world that pulls us further and farther away from ourselves through distraction, division and fear, it is vitally important to remember who we truly are. To seek the crumbs our higher Self once laid out for us, reminding us of the way back home to ourselves.

It’s a time to turn around from the hectic world and go inwards, towards ourselves. To recognise that all we have been seeking outside of us, has always been here, within us.

The validation you seek, the love you yearn for, the worthiness you long to feel, is all already here.

You are not broken, you never were. Therefore, you are not something that needs fixing but rather, there are parts of you that are tender and hurt like an open wound, that simply need your loving attention. You only need to remember who you truly are, the essence of your being, and find your way back home to her or him. Once you’re sitting at home within yourself, in the lap of Love itself, you can hold your entire humanity knowing that there is no good or bad, right or wrong, shoulds or shouldn’ts. You get to just be you.

You are innately worthy, it’s your birthright. You are innately free, it’s your birthright. You are innately loved and lovable, it’s your birthright. You’ve simply been pulled away from this knowing and in your departure from Self and from Source, you forgot the immense power, beauty, wisdom and unique expression of who you are.

I’m here to guide you back home, to who you’ve always been.


Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

a podcast to accept, embrace and fall in love with who you are…


Raw Conversations is an off the cuff podcast, a stream of consciousness, a raw and vulnerable chat about being human, especially as we move through these evolutionary times.

It’s a safe place to put down any masks you might wear, drop the shame of being human and know, instead, that you are not alone and that it’s ok to be you, just as you are right now in this moment.

We dive below who we think we should be and into who we truly are as our Authentic Self, embracing both our humanity and our divinity; coming into wholeness. It’s a gentle space to be in both our messy humanness and our playful free-spiritedness!

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Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

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