Relationship Coaching
Manifesting & cultivating authentic conscious relationshipsrelationship coaching...
Manifesting & Cultivating Authentic Relationships
The paradigm of relationship is undergoing huge transformation, right now. There are many singles (especially single, spiritual women) that finds themselves at a loss as to why they can’t ‘find’ their partner. I would even go so far as to say there is an epidemic of single women at the moment. Men have their own challenge, which I’ll get to in a moment.
For those in relationship, couples are finding the very foundation of their relationships are shifting. Sometimes that quake leads to an upgrade in the relationship, and sometimes it means lovingly -if not heartbreakingly- letting go.
The very definition and dynamic of relationship is changing as we heal our individual and collective shadow, let go of co-dependency and step into sovereignty and inter-dependence, instead. What we’re moving from is ‘you complete me,’ to ‘I am whole as I am.’ We’re moving from filling the void, to wholeness. This restructures and redefines the very nature and foundation of relationship itself.
relationships evolving
inter-dependence vs co-dependence…
For a long time we’ve been playing out co-dependent patterns, which stem from our childhood wounds. Our society lacks the ability to hold and be with our shadow which means that much of our humanity goes unseen and un-nurtured; all of which play into our co-dependence because co-dependence often comes from lack.
Our childhood traumas, the attachment styles we fell into based off of them, the sore spots that turned into an eroding sense of self-worth, a lack of love that made us believe we’re unlovable and, well, sometimes just our basic need for presence, all contributed to making us feel starved for what should have been a natural source of nourishment and security when it comes to love. Add to that, romantic comedies and Disney and we’re a society very confused by what love and partnership actually means.
Co-dependence makes us reach outside of ourselves for happiness, security and validation that we maybe, just maybe, are worthy and lovable. With co-dependence comes blame, insecurity, fear of rejection, abandonment, of not being wanted, of not deserving what we deeply desire. It leaves us feeling dis-empowered and often afraid of (sometimes even sabotaging) the very thing our heart longs for most: love.
Inter-dependence, on the other hand, comes from a place of wholeness. From a place of knowing that we are already whole and ‘enough’ as we are and that relationship enhances our lives but doesn’t fill the void. The analogy I like to use is of two trees standing by each other: Their roots may interweave, as well as their branches, but their trunks stand sturdy, autonomous and sovereign, inter-dependent from each other. The roots and the arms of the tree can support, care for and nourish each other, but their trunks represent their individuality.
This doesn’t have to mean that we are fiercely independent. That would be swinging to the opposite end of the spectrum from co-dependency. It means we get to be authentic and uniquely who we are and that relationship harmonizes, supports and is in alignment with who we authentically are. It also means that with sovereignty and autonomy comes self-responsibility, accountability and collaboration; all of which lead us into mature relationships where we’re functioning as adults that can individually hold our inner child, vs children still looking for mommy or daddy to fill the gaping hole where love was needed.
Relationship Coaching For Singles
I worked for 15 years helping singles manifest their soulmate and getting them prepared for a healthy, authentic relationship. I write that in past tense because I’ve felt a shift in the paradigm of both relationship and manifestation and find myself looking at both through a different lens and angle, now.
The laws of manifestation seem to have changed in recent years. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, but many in the field have also noticed a change. So I no longer solely focus on “manifestation.” Really what was always at the root, before manifestation could even begin, was helping individuals cultivate a healthy relationship with themselves first, because if we don’t change our relationship with ourselves to one that is more loving and based in worth, we will continue to attract the same patterns of relationship; the same men and women that are not healthy for us.
The Current Plight Of Women & Men…
As I mentioned above, there is what I would call, ‘an epidemic of spiritual, single women’ out there. I believe part of the reason for this is that these women have taken the time to dig into and heal their shadow. They’re no longer willing to play out their wounding, limiting beliefs and the old identities that came with them. They have stepped into their worth, they have learned to love themselves and they’re no longer ok with the old BS that they used to put up with. The issue is, men haven’t caught up just yet…
Men are doing the work but in hiding. And not all men are doing the work. Some are, without meaning to be disrespectful, still stuck in the archetypal boy and perhaps haven’t found the support or the courage to step into their manhood. But that in and of itself isn’t a black and white process. There has been so much shaming of the masculine and men. ‘Toxic Masculinity’ has been thrown about in all sorts of ways and it’s stripped a man of his confidence and knowing of what he’s even meant to be anymore. Some men have taken the plunge and come through the other side remembering their divine nature. Some have gone into the deep end and not come out, forever stuck in a kind of processing mode that doesn’t allow a woman into that space. Others are downright confused and have no healthy example to look to. But I believe men are trying. They’re trying to reinstate what it means to be a man of integrity, authenticity and valour.
Both women and men have their plight. They, we, have our healing to do. These evolutionary times are a time of healing both our personal and collective wounds. It’s immense, to say the least!
So the process requires compassion and patience. A lot of undoing and unlearning and a lot of growing from the ground up. We’re redefining relationship into a much healthier, more authentic version and that is wonderful, but it means that if we truly want a conscious relationship, we individually have to do the work to step up to the plate. And that’s what I’m here to support you in: to help you become the person you want to be in the relationship you desire to be in.
How Relationship Coaching Prepares You For The Relationship You Desire
What we’ll be working on together is both the foundation and the structure of your being, in relationship to love. What that means is:
What is your relationship to and with yourself? Your worth? Your lovability?
What are you beliefs about Men? Women? Love?
What are your Fears? Insecurities? Wounds?
What are the patterns of behaviour you find yourself repeating in relationship over and over again?
Out of this exploration we find the core of the patterns of your behaviour in relationship, redefine your belief systems and build a healthy, loving, authentic relationship with yourself. From a place where you feel at home within yourself, we look at calling in, magnatising, a relationship towards you. A large part of that is preparing yourself and fine tuning your relationship skills, whether it’s your relationship to your Authentic Self, Emotional Intelligence, Conscious Communication, Intimacy etc. All the tools that will help us keep a relationship healthy, long lasting and authentic.
Relationship Coaching For Couples
Many relationships are currently undergoing great change. Some marriages are breaking apart while others are evolving. This is all because the very paradigm of relationship is changing.
We’re working through our shadow, healing our Inner Child and creating much healthier foundations for relationships that don’t just play out old drama but actually support us in evolving both as individuals and as a couple. We’re moving into the time of truly conscious relationships and that takes time to dismantle the old and patience to rebuild the new. A new kind of relationship that we might not have an example for, but deep down in our hearts we know we long for. A relationship where we feel free, safe, supported, loved, accepted and allowed to be who we authentically are. A relationship that is mutual, harmonious and based in integrity.
It requires us to be honest, vulnerable, authentic, transparent. It asks us to communicate consciously. Be vulnerable in our intimacy which just means cultivating presence and coming from heart. It requires us to be spiritual adults that take self-responsibility and show up with mutual respect vs children that are still playing out old wounds, have unrealistic expectations and haven’t yet matured into their fully embodied Self.
How Relationship Coaching Helps Couples
Different stages of relationship require different kinds of support.
New Couples: If you are in a new relationship, relationship coaching is wonderful to support you in building a strong foundation. We’re habitual creatures, so the patterns of behaviour we find ourselves in from the start, tend to stick for the remainder of the relationship unless we make those behaviours conscious. Part of creating a solid foundation is working on how to communicate consciously, getting to know each other’s triggers, fears, desires, attachment styles, even your enneagram type so that you can better understand what motivates your’s and your partner’s behaviour.
Long-term Couples: Perhaps you’ve fallen into repetitive behaviour, getting caught in the same argument, the same ‘attack/defense’ patterns, you’re communication isn’t working, there’s no intimacy, and/or you feel disconnected from each other. Together we will work on building the bridge back to each other again. Create safe space to share your deeper truths and feelings in a way where you know you won’t feel judged or attacked. Re-cultivate intimacy, both emotionally and physically. Sometimes old relationships need to die and rebirth themselves. It requires an end and a new beginning, in a way, meeting each other again where you presently are in life and falling in love all over again.
Conscious Uncoupling: Sometimes we’ve tried everything and given it all we have but in order to continue to grow as individuals, we have to lovingly let go and say goodbye. Part of a conscious relationship is also knowing how to consciously create closure. For couples that find themselves in this place, we work together to unveil what have been the challenges and the gifts. How you’ve evolved through the relationship, and how to honour the journey so that you can see it as a gift or at the very least a great teacher, rather than a failure. How to find closure, how to heal and eventually, how to move on with kindness, support and authenticity.

working with me…
Please feel free to email me, letting me know whether you’re looking for singles coaching or relationship coaching and share with me briefly where you’re currently at in your process and what type of support you’re seeking. We’ll then schedule your first session where we’ll dive into the overview of the micro and macro of your relationship to relationship and from there I can better guide you to what kind of program you might need to bring you to the place you want to arrive to.
working together
How The Work, Works
Email Me
Let me know what you’re wanting to work on, where you’re at along your journey and in what ways you’re committed to your growth. We’ll organise your first 1-hour Discovery Session to see if we’re the right fit and lay the groundwork for your journey.
Discovery Session
A Discovery Session is a 1-hour session with me for us to see where you are on your personal (or coupled) journey, what are the barriers and obstacles (the patterns and beliefs) that are currently keeping you from the love and the relationship you desire, and where you personally are wanting to arrive to within yourself (and as a couple).
This is an official coaching or mentoring session, so even if you wish not to continue with me, you will hopefully receive even a seed from which you can grow upon.
The Journey
If we choose to work together, we will create a bespoke programme of weekly sessions to build momentum. Like any new skill, sport or art, it takes consistency and dedication to build new muscles. When we’re dealing with an identity and a habitual pattern, this consistency matters even more because we are essentially unlearning almost a lifetime of patterns, beliefs and false views of ourselves and our relationship to love, partnership, attachment and bonding.
Discovery Session
single session- single 1-hour session
- via phone or video call
Singles Monthly
4 sessions in 1 month- 4 1-hour weekly sessions per month
- via phone or video call
Couples Monthly
4 sessions in 1 month- 4 1-hour sessions per month
- via phone or video call
when you need- single 1-hour session
- via phone or video call