I believe every one of us wants to be who we truly are. We want to metaphorically let our belly hang out and be comfortable just being us; knowing that we won’t be judged or rejected or ridiculed.
But most of the time we do our own judging. Most of the time it’s us who doesn’t trust our inner authority and intuition. Who criticises and shames.
Judgment is most certainly the biggest block I’ve seen along the path back home to our Authentic Self. That judgment is hugely influenced by society’s judgment which includes all the shoulds and shouldn’ts of who we ought to be. The rest perhaps cames from childhood and how we perceived ourselves within our family dynamic. And maybe some of it is down to how we’re wired. But no matter, if we want to be free, happy, at peace and at ease with ourselves, we have to really get that it’s ok to be who we are. No, matter, what…
In this episode I look at the face of judgment, the curiosity required to understand the parts of us we’d rather hide away, and how confidence is just being comfortable with who we are.
It’s ok to be you. It truly is.
Tune in for more…
Loving you from afar,