I don’t know anyone that’s not going through some kind of struggle whether big or small, right now.
Whether it’s the accumulation of many small struggles or a big one that affects the very thought of our existence, we as a collective are moving through some hard stuff right now, to say the least.
Things get worse before they get better. When we detox, all the toxins come up to the surface and we feel like crap before we feel good. I think we’re collectively purging. Detoxing. Letting go of many old thoughts, patterns and paradigms.
But we have to move through the discomfort, the pain and sometimes the fear. Healing doesn’t always come smoothly. We have to face, embrace and transmute the very things we’re purging first, because there’s no circumventing in the process of healing. It’s in and through and eventually out the other side.
Everything gets amplified so that we choose: do I continue with this story, or begin a new one…
It takes profound trust, patience and the willingness to surrender to something that is greater than us, guiding us, expanding us along the way.
This is all an experience. We’ve been playing an old tired game but in order to graduate and move onto the next phase, we have to work through what we’ll leave behind. Sift through to lighten the load.
It’s a time to reflect. To be curious about what our being is communicating to us through the struggle, the injury, the illness, the divorce, the lost job, the loneliness etc. It’s coming up to look at and let go of.
Remember: no matter the struggle, we’re in it together.
Tune in for more…
Loving you from afar,