About Me

let me introduce myself...

https://www.corinneblum.com Corinne Blum The Authentic Self, authenticity coach, life coach, intuitive coach, spiritual mentor, emotional intelligence specialist

Hey there, my name is Corinne Blum

I’m an Authenticity & Intuitive Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist and fellow human being! And here’s a little blurb about why I do what I do…

I like to walk my talk, so a lot of my work is based on my own personal journey. I don’t consider myself separate or better than my clients. We’re all having this human experience which is kind of a learning on the job type of experience, isn’t it? There’s a reason why life doesn’t come with a manual because it’s a unique journey for us all individually, and it’s meant to be an exploration vs a step by step, linear trajectory from birth to death.

I don’t know about you, but life hasn’t been linear nor an upward curve for me. I don’t think it’s meant to be that way. I think life is cyclical and the path isn’t straight, but all squiggly. Life is really just made of one experience after another, which all have a way of showing us more of who we are, should we choose to look with curiosity.

What I’ve learned along the way, is that it’s all grist for the mill and the most valuable part of anything I’ve ever done in my life out there, is what I’ve learned about myself in here. 

I’ve cultivated a relationship with myself over the past 25 years where I can now truly say, I don’t judge myself nor my experience. The tail is no longer wagging the dog and I trust myself profoundly. That doesn’t mean I’m perfect and all zen and positive all the time. It means I’m accepting of my entire human experience, my vast spectrum of emotions, my sensitivity and vulnerability…my humanity! I have built a home within myself that is filled with love, understanding, patience and kindness. I feel safe, I know that no matter what arises I have my back and I feel free to express myself with abandon.

A large part of that comes down to how I communicate with myself, but it’s also due to my ongoing practice of consistently showing up and being present with myself. We’re called human beings for a reason. Getting to know ourselves requires a lot of being.

I’m grateful for where I am within myself even though I know that my growth is forever evolving and unfurling. At least I know that along the way (which is sometimes a bumpy road that goes up and down and all around) I’m there to hold my hand and support myself through the journey.


Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist

a little background

what got me into this work…

In my early twenties I suffered an injury that took me away from my career as a professional ballet dancer with the San Francisco Ballet. It was the first summer I had off in probably over ten years, and I remember sitting on my front porch under the California sun, reading a Stella Adler book on acting, when I found myself asking the question: Who am I without the identity of being a dancer?

It was a profound question that would catapult me onto my spiritual path and journey, if you will. Much of my focus turned inward as I meditated, reflected, read a lot, spent time in nature and observed both people around me and my own experience in relationship to others, my life experiences and my reactions to all of these. Relationship was also a huge spiritual teacher for me, as I somehow always held the perspective that they are a catalyst for growth and self-exploration. Even as each relationship in my youth came to a close, I always learned so much from them. They were never a failure but an opportunity, every time, to discover more about myself.

I’d always had a passion for helping people and a curiosity around self-growth. Along my own journey, I recognised I wanted to support others with their own. Authenticity was the key to my inner peace and happiness and I wanted to share that knowledge and wisdom with others. I wanted to help people know that it’s ok to be who they are and that the more we live from our Authentic Self, the more energy and creativity we have to live the life our heart desires.

https://www.corinneblum.com The Authentic Self, Corinne Blum authenticity coach, spiritual mentor, emotional intelligence specialist
https://www.corinneblum.com The Authentic Self, Corinne Blum authenticity coach, spiritual mentor, emotional intelligence specialist

my influences…

My influences and education stem from working with top teachers from the Coaches Training Institute Of California, The Authentic Leadership Institute led by Judith Bell, a ten year practice of Buddhism, Diamond Heart, Movement Therapy, and a passion for studying human behavior, psychology and  interpersonal dynamics. Since becoming a mother, my curiosity and learning have both grown exponentially as I watch how we unfold as beings and how important the first years of our life truly are. MASC certified.

movement therapy

My background as a former professional ballet dancer with the San Francisco Ballet taught me a lot about the body and our emotional and psychological relationship to it. When I retired, I looked into the various ways of using the body as therapy. We store all of our memory and experience in our bodies and often when words and processing cannot unlock an issue, moving through the body has a tremendous effect. I created my own method in 2006 working mainly with actors and dancers, but have since found it compliments coaching remarkably well.

theta healing & brainspotting

I incorporate, when appropriate, Theta Healing and/or Brainspotting into my coaching practice or offer them separately.

get to know me better through my podcast


Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

A podcast to accept, embrace and fall in love with who you are…


Raw Conversations is an off the cuff podcast, a stream of consciousness, a raw and vulnerable chat about being human, especially as we move through these evolutionary times.

It’s a safe place to put down any masks you might wear, drop the shame of being human and know, instead, that you are not alone and that it’s ok to be you, just as you are right now in this moment.

We dive below who we think we should be and into who we truly are as our Authentic Self, embracing both our humanity and our divinity; coming into wholeness. It’s a gentle space to be in both our messy humanness and our playful free-spiritedness!

Learn More

Raw Conversations with Corinne Blum

find all my episodes & stay up to date by subscribing here...

want to work with me?

How It Works

Email Me

Let me know what you’re wanting to work on, where you’re at along your journey and in what ways you’re committed to your growth.

Discovery Session

From there, we’ll set up a time for an initial Discovery Session where we’ll get to know each other better and see if we’re the right fit for each other, lay out a path on which you’ll soon set foot on and answer any questions you might have as well as intentions you’d like to set for the upcoming journey.

3 Month Journey

If we resonate with each other, we’ll get started on your 3 month journey back home towards your Authentic Self, whether that’s through Authenticity Coaching, Spiritual Mentoring if you are on a spiritual-awakening path, or building your Emotional Intelligence. Whichever path you choose to take, coming home to your true Self, is at the core of all three.