Emotional Intelligence

learning the language of your essence
https://www.corinneblum.com Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

emotional intelligence…

The language of your essence

Emotional intelligence is simply the understanding and awareness of how our emotions work. Most people aren’t fully even aware of their emotions and how to feel them, let alone understand them as a unique language unto themselves.
Emotions are profound messengers that when we listen to, open up portals and pathways back home to our true, Authentic Self. They alert us to what’s happening within us, deeper than we might otherwise look. They are a roadmap, a way in, a cypher to help us understand ourselves better.

The Journey

tuning in…


The Art Of Listening With Your Body & Being With

We begin to learn about our emotions by tuning in. What that means is we have to learn how to stay still enough for long enough to actually feel our emotions. I call this being with.
Most of the time we think we’re feeling emotions especially if they’re intense, but we’re only feeling the edges of them and quickly turning to either distraction, fixing, circumventing or altogether ignoring or numbing. It’s an art and a skill to stay and be with our emotions.
What being with essentially looks like, is not too dissimilar to how we’d want our best friend to sit with us when we’re going through a hard time. It’s not about colluding and getting into the drama (which might feel like an initial helpful release but leaves us feeling just as crappy as before), it’s about a loving, caring, gentle presence that lets us know, I’m here for you, you’re not alone. 
When we learn to stay or be with, drop down into our body and tune into what our emotions are telling us by way of being curious, setting aside all judgment and listening with a compassionate ear, we begin to have an entirely new kind of conversation with ourselves. One that’s not an argument but a constructive, supportive and insightful exchange where we get to know ourselves more profoundly and feel more comfortable within our humanity.
Ultimately it’s a great path into acceptance, an amazing tool for our intuition and a unique language that belongs to us personally. Not to mention that when we gain emotional wisdom and embody emotional intelligence, our ability to communicate and expressive ourselves authentically with others, becomes a superpower.

https://www.corinneblum.com Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

We Were Never Taught Emotional Intelligence…

Emotions should be one of the main topics taught at school but sadly they’re not. We’re taught how to do, or how we should do according to society’s rules, but we’re not taught how to be.
Being is the root of being human and the only way to connect into and remember our divinity. Emotions provide us with a wonderful, if not sometimes challenging, invitation and opportunity to get to know the state of being. Because in order to feel we must be. Doing, in this instance, is the distraction. Being is the very much alive state of stillness where we build and fine-tune our awareness and with awareness we can turn the unconscious, conscious.


Unconscious Reaction vs Conscious Response…

Most emotions get a bad rap because when unconscious, they’re reactive. We explode or dish out our emotions onto others without any sense of self responsibility. They get us defensive and into attack/defend arguments and can literally destroy our relationships and sense of self.
With awareness, we get to observe, be with and get to know our emotions. What they’re communicating to us, why they feel the way they feel and where they stem from. Most importantly, what they need from us. With the knowing of all these, we slow down reaction, we come into sovereign self-responsibility where we get to choose, consciously, how we wish to respond.
There is so much to say in much greater depth than this, but with the view to not write an entire book here, I’ll leave it at that.


https://www.corinneblum.com Corinne Blum Authenticity Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, Life Coach, The Authentic Self

working with me…

If we choose to work together, these are some of the themes we’ll be exploring and diving deeper into. See it like learning a new language but one that’s personally designed just for you.
The process deserves time, patience and curiosity as you unravel old, most likely judgmental beliefs about your emotions and probably self-worth, and create new pathways and ways of being and relating to yourself that are in full support of who you truly are.
You are cultivating a healthy, harmonious, peaceful and totally dependable relationship with yourself. With that comes trust, faith, safety and the comfort to be completely and unashamedly you.
I’m here to guide you into the realm of your emotions, help connect you into your intuition, tap you into your worth and show you the way back home.

working together

How The Work, Works

Email Me

Let me know what you’re wanting to work on, where you’re at along your journey and in what ways you’re committed to your growth. We’ll organise your first 1-hour Discovery Session to see if we’re the right fit and lay the groundwork for your 3-month journey.

Discovery Session

A Discovery Session is a 1-hour session with me for us to see where you are on your personal journey, what are the barriers and obstacles (the patterns and beliefs) that are currently keeping you from embodying your full Self, and where you personally are wanting to arrive to within yourself—knowing that there is nowhere to ‘get to’ but only landing back within. Remember, this is a remembering.
This is an official coaching or mentoring session, so even if you wish not to continue with me, you will hopefully receive even a seed from which you can grow upon.

3 Month Journey

If we choose to work together, we will begin with a 3-month programme of weekly sessions to build momentum. Like any new skill, sport or art, it takes consistency and dedication to build new muscles. When we’re dealing with an identity, this consistency matters even more because you are essentially unlearning almost a lifetime of patterns, beliefs and false views of yourself. Once these have been unraveled and we’ve found the root cause and core of your false identity, we get to build back out into the unfolding of your True Self. It’s a ‘going in, in order to come back out again,’ kind of process.

Continuing On...

After the 3 months, you can decide to do another 3 months or move to monthly check-ins. Think of it as a monthly tune up for your car or musical instrument. There is no time limit but nor do I believe you have to be here for years at a time. This isn’t analysis, it’s a journey of discovery and though there might be a lot to sift through in the shadows of your being depending on how much you’ve stuffed down and kept hidden, the de-cluttering, per se, doesn’t need to take ages. We actually want to quickly get to the root so that the time is focused more on how to create new, healthy habits coming from your true identity. One that is healthy, whole and imbued with love.
